Hello, I'm Michelle...

I know a thing or two about heart break. So does my daughter. I also know intimately how hearts come to be repaired and healed.

In 2012 my eldest daughter was diagnosed with two rare heart defects at the age of 5. Somehow my perfect angelic little girl was born heart-broken. 

Within weeks of her heart mending, mine was broken in the most excruciating fashion by the collapse of my marriage. The following years were emotionally brutal. 

I worked so hard to release the hurt of that experience and the absence of love. 

Life guided me to Recollective Healing which I trained in several years later and introduced me to my gift of working with energy. But the hurt remained.

In early 2020 an inexplicable urge inspired me to become attuned to Rahanni healing. It was a life-changing moment. The hurt I’d carried for so many years, some of it lifelong, simply evaporated.

Even when I went searching for that feeling of betrayal and pain it was no longer accessible. I was finally free and my heart started to heal and open to a more wonderful experience of life.

Two weeks after my attunement to Rahanni I experienced a spontaneous healing of a chronic health condition. I found myself so open hearted it blew me away. It still does. I feel so much love working with clients and sharing Rahanni is a joy and privilege.

I work alongside ascended masters and am happy to share their messages of love whenever appropriate.

If you'd love to experience Rahanni don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
